23 research outputs found


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    The development of woody-shrub vegetation in dump ecotopes for a long time was considered as the perspective of phytorecultivation problems. As a result of preliminary studies of the Department of Optimization of Technogenic Landscapes of the Kryvyi Rih Botanical Garden of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, it has been established that optimal conditions for its development are created in the dump ecotopes, firstly, at a certain level of moisture and mineral nutrition, which corresponds to a range of a number of hygrotopes: from dry to fresh (clays), from dry to wet (loams), from wet to very wet (sands), from raw to wet (gravel and screes) and wet (pebbles and gravel)

    Korzyści podatkowe jako element wspierający podmioty ekonomiczne w okresie walki z COVID-19: aspekt porównawczy i prawny

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    This article provides an analysis of the tax system of Ukraine in comparison with its counterparts in foreign countries to determine the competitiveness of Ukraine in the world market of goods and investments and to choose the main directions of reforming the tax system in the conditions of economic crisis caused by quarantine measures. The influence and liberalization of the tax system on the socio-economic development of Ukraine and foreign countries is considered and analyzed. Comparisons were made in the following areas: by the level of the overall tax burden, its distribution between the main types of taxes and payer groups, and the fiscal efficiency of tax systems. Having analyzed the data of European countries, the authors of the study compared them from a number of parameters with such major economies of the world as the US, China, Singapore. It has been shown that the EU is somewhat inferior to the US in terms of preferential administration of tax calculation and payment processes, as well as filing tax reporting by taxpayers. However, the EU shows relatively low corporate tax rates (compared to China and the US). Even though China and Singapore have significantly reduced these rates, they remain above the EU average. In order to improve the functioning of the tax system of Ukraine, the authors consider it advisable to focus on the dynamic transformations observed in the new member states of the EU, which, in turn, are one of the main competitors of Ukraine in the world markets of goods and capital, taking their experience to improve the tax climate and improve fiscal and regulatory tax compliance. The authors conclude that the amendments to the tax legislation of Ukraine due to the need to protect economic entities in the period of the COVID-19 pandemic are effective, sufficient and consistent with the world’s legal practice. That is why the liberalization of the tax system is one of the determining factors in the socio-economic world development today. Formation of a modern competitive, social, market economy, integrated in the EU, guaranteeing stable economic growth, implementation of a balanced budgetary and social policy is impossible without the implementation of an effective tax policy to ensure support of the taxpayer.Niniejszy artykuł stanowi analizę porównawczą ukraińskiego systemu podatkowego oraz jego odpowiedników w innych krajach. Ma ona na celu ustalenie konkurencyjności Ukrainy na światowych rynkach towarowych i inwestycyjnych oraz wskazanie głównych kierunków reform systemu podatkowego w dobie kryzysu ekonomicznego wywołanego zastosowaniem środków związanych z kwarantanną. Rozważaniom oraz analizie poddano wpływ liberalizacji systemu podatkowego na rozwój społeczno-ekonomiczny Ukrainy oraz innych krajów. Dokonano porównań w następujących obszarach: poziom ogólnego ciężaru podatkowego, rozłożenie go pomiędzy główne rodzaje podatków i grup płatników oraz skuteczność fiskalna systemów podatkowych. Po przeanalizowaniu danych pochodzących z krajów europejskich autorki porównały je z kilkoma parametrami opisującymi duże gospodarki świata, takie jak Stany Zjednoczone, Chiny czy Singapur. Wykazano, iż UE nieco gorzej radzi sobie niż USA pod względem preferencyjnego administrowania wymiarem podatku oraz z procesami płatni czymi, a także w zakresie wypełniania zeznań podatkowych przez podatników. Jednakże w krajach UE są stosunkowo niskie stawki podatku od osób prawnych (w porównaniu do Chin i USA). Mimo iż Chiny oraz Singapur znacznie zmniejszyły stawki tego podatku, ich poziom nadal pozostał powyżej średniej w UE. Aby usprawnić funkcjonowanie systemu podatkowego na Ukrainie, autorki zalecają skoncentrować wysiłki na dynamicznej transformacji, którą można zaobserwować w nowych państwach członkowskich UE – stanowiących jednocześnie głównych konkurentów Ukrainy na światowych rynkach towarowych i kapitałowych – by opierając się na ich doświadczeniach, pracować nad poprawą warunków podatkowych, co przyczyni się do lepszego wypełniania obowiązków podatkowych w sensie regulacyjnym i fiskalnym. Autorki dochodzą do wniosku, że zmiany ustawodawstwa podatkowego na Ukrainie w obliczu konieczności ochrony podmiotów ekonomicznych w dobie pandemii COVID-19 są skuteczne, wystarczające i spójne ze światową praktyką prawną. Zatem liberalizacja systemu podatkowego jest jednym z decydujących czynników światowego rozwoju społeczno-ekonomicznego

    Exploring Green Information Systems and Technologies as Persuasive Systems: A Systematic Review of Applications in Published Research

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    Adopting eco-friendly behaviors has gained attention in multiple scientific fields ranging from psychology to business, to information systems and computer science. Combining knowledge of creating software solutions with behavioral science studies can enhance research on sustainability and contribute to fostering green attitudes. Considering current state of Green Information Systems and Technologies (IS/IT), we suggest employing persuasive techniques to create “green” solutions. Bridging studies of Persuasive Technologies and Behavior Change Support Systems with the Green IS/IT, we suggest that Persuasive Systems Design principles are capable of enhancing performance of “green” applications as well as improving eco-oriented behaviors in both individual and organizational user contexts. Having reviewed and analyzed published articles on environmentally-oriented systems, we examined which persuasive design principles are currently used and which ones could be utilized better in contemporary and future applications

    State-private partnership in the field of medical services: principles, forms and signs

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    The article explores the features of legal regulation of public-private partnerships in medical services provision. The regulatory legal acts on public-private partnership in provision of medical services should be divided into groups: general and special. The concept of "public-private partnership in the provision of medical services" is proposed, its principles, classification, forms, signs and advantages of their implementation are clarified. The methodology of this study is based on the use of general scientific and special methods of cognition. Comparative legal and comparative methods were used in the study of legislation governing the development of legal relations in the medical services field. The formal logical method helped us to establish the legal structure of such partnerships. The results of this work allowed us to determine the legal problems of legislation that arise during the public-private partnership implementation in the medical services field and the prospects for their elimination. It analyzes the current stage of public-private partnership in the provision of the medical services in Ukraine and the positive experience of individual countries of the European Union and the world, which can bring the quality of their delivery to a higher European level

    Дослідження процесу попереднього обмолоту зерна робочими органами жниварки комбайна

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    We improved the combined technological process of transportation and threshing of GSM and developed the device of preliminary grain threshing for a grain header of KZS 9-1 «Stavutich» harvester, which made it possible to separate 30–35 % of grain at the early phases of its transportation to TSS of a combine. We established that the coefficient of separation of grain from cones in a header with an intermediate thrashing drum, which contains four additional tooth-shaped bars of 30 mm in height, has the highest (0.32) value.We developed a calculation and experimental method for determining the amount (degree) of grain separation by a device of a header of a combine harvester. The method is based on the results of simulation of the combined process of transportation and threshing of grain caused by the interaction of a drum with grain and straw mass.We analyzed and proved the complex influence of structural parameters of the device and modes of implementation of the combined process of transportation and threshing of GSM at the level of separation of grain. And this make it possible to establish a theoretical dependence of the grain separation coefficient. The noted theoretical dependence provides the possibility to substantiate rational parameters and operating modes of the device of preliminary grain threshing of a combine harvester analytically.We determined dependences of the grain separation coefficient on the speed of a combine experimentally. The dependences take into account cancellations of mechanized technological operations caused by changes in kinematic operating modes of a combine, a number of stops and their height on a drum of a device of preliminary grain threshingИсследован технологический процесс обмолота зерновых культур устройством предварительного обмолота зерна жатки зерноуборочного комбайна. Разработан экспериментально-расчетный метод оценки уровня отделения зерна устройством. Получена теоретическая зависимость коэффициента отделения зерна, которая устанавливает системную взаимосвязь между параметрами и режимами работы устройства жатки и зерноуборочного комбайна. Экспериментально установлены зависимости коэффициента отделения зерна в зависимости от скорости движения комбайнаДосліджено технологічний процес обмолоту зернових культур пристроєм попереднього обмолоту зерна жниварки зернозбирального комбайна. Розроблено експериментально-розрахунковий метод оцінювання рівня відділення зерна пристроєм. Отримано теоретичну залежність коефіцієнта відділення зерна, яка встановлює системний взаємозв'язок між параметрами та режимами функціонування пристрою жниварки та зернозбирального комбайна. Експериментально встановлено залежності коефіцієнта відділення зерна від швидкості руху комбайн

    Application of persuasive systems design for adopting green information systems and technologies

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    Abstract Critical environmental situation requires academics and practitioners of various disciplines join efforts at planning sustainable development of the society. In information systems research, Green Information Systems and Technologies domain is the one that directly contributes to strengthening environmental values of individuals, communities, and organizations. Abundance of technology influences people most of the time. Although this influence is not always positive, research on persuasive technologies and behavior change support systems searches for the beneficial ways to utilize the impact of information systems on the daily activities of individuals. Ability to assist with encouraging certain behaviors is a defining characteristic of many contemporary systems and devices. Building on the knowledge obtained from the health domain, this dissertation investigates using persuasive technologies for fostering pro-environmental behavior change. Theoretical frameworks of the articles included in the dissertation are based primarily on the Persuasive Systems Design (PSD) model, accompanied by the other prominent socio-psychological theories commonly utilized in information systems research. This dissertation focuses on finding out how to encourage people to adopt and continue using mobile applications designed to assist with acquiring sustainable habits and behaviors. The dissertation is composed of the historical analysis, systematic literature review, and four experimental studies that explore different aspects of persuasive Green IS/IT. Besides analyzing existing research using PSD model as a tool for evaluation, new empirical studies provide fresh insights on Green IS/IT designed for behavior change. Addressed topics include technology adoption and continuance intention, perceived persuasiveness, self-disclosure and risk, endogenous motivations, gamification, and cognitive absorption. Conducted statistical analyses investigate relationships among PSD constructs and other related concepts to discover factors that can convince people initiate and continue using Green IS/IT to develop or maintain environmentally sound practices. Overall, the results reveal a high potential of the PSD model to become a vehicle for enhancement of the existing Green IS/IT. The dissertation provides implications for both academics and practitioners as well as suggestions for the future evolvement of persuasive Green IS/IT research.Tiivistelmä Ympäristön ja ilmaston vakava tilanne vaatii kaikilta osapuolilta kestävää kehitystä tukevaa toimintaa. Niin sanotut ‘vihreät’ tietojärjestelmät ja informaatioteknologiat pyrkivät vaikuttamaan ihmisten käyttäytymiseen vahvistamalla yksilöiden, yhteisöjen ja organisaatioiden ympäristöarvoja ja niiden mukaista käyttäytymistä. Yltäkylläinen teknologiatarjonta vaikuttaa käyttäytymiseemme koko ajan. Vaikka tämä vaikutus ei aina olekaan positiivista, vakuuttavien ja suostuttelevien teknologioiden sekä käyttäytymisen muutosta tukevien järjestelmien tutkimus pyrkii etsimään niitä hyödyllisiä keinoja, joilla tietojärjestelmien avulla voidaan vaikuttaa myönteisesti jokapäiväiseen elämäämme. Monien nykyaikaisten järjestelmien ja laitteiden perusominaisuutena voidaankin nykyään pitää niiden kykyä rohkaista ja kannustaa käyttäjiä myönteiseen kohdekäyttäytymiseen. Tämä väitöskirja rakentuu erityisesti terveystoimialalta omaksuttuun suostuttelevia teknologioita koskevaan tutkimustietoon ja pyrkii soveltamaan tätä ympäristöystävällisen käyttäytymisen vahvistamiseen. Tämän väitöstutkimuksen johtavana teoreettisena viitekehityksenä toimii Persuasive Systems Design -malli (PSD). Sen lisäksi hyödynnetään joitakin muita tietojärjestelmätutkimuksessa hyödynnettyjä sosiaalipsykologian teorioita. Väitöskirja keskittyy tarkastelemaan, miten voidaan kannustaa ottamaan käyttöön mobiilisovelluksia, jotka on jo alun perin suunniteltu tukemaan kestävän kehityksen kannalta myönteistä käyttäytymistä ja käyttäytymisen muutosta, sekä jatkamaan niiden käyttöä. Väitöskirja koostuu aihealueen historiallisesta analyysistä ja systemaattisesta kirjallisuuskatsauksesta sekä neljästä kokeellisesta tutkimuksesta, jotka tutkivat ’vihreiden’ tietojärjestelmien ja informaatioteknologioiden vakuuttavia ja suostuttelevia ohjelmisto-ominaisuuksia. Sen lisäksi että olemassa olevaa kirjallisuutta on analysoitu PSD-mallia käyttäen, samaan malliin pohjautuvat empiiriset tutkimukset tuottavat tuoreita oivalluksia käyttäytymisen muutosta tukevaan suunnitteluun liittyen. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan teknologian käyttöönottoa, aikomuksia jatkaa teknologian käyttöä, koettua vakuuttavuutta ja suostuttelevuutta, sensitiivisten tietojen jakamista ja siihen liittyviä riskejä, sisäsyntyistä motivaatiota, pelillistämistä sekä kognitiivista absorptiota. Tilastollisten analyysien avulla tarkastellaan PSD-mallin ydinkäsitteiden ja muiden konstruktien välisiä suhteita, jotta tunnistettaisiin niitä tekijöitä, joiden avulla voidaan vaikuttaa hyödyllisten ‘vihreiden’ tietojärjestelmien ja informaatioteknologioiden käyttöönottoon ja käytön jatkamiseen, ja yleisemmin kannustamaan ympäristöystävällisiin käytänteisiin. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat PSD-mallin merkityksen kestävää kehitystä tukeville tietojärjestelmille ja informaatioteknologioille. Suoritetun tutkimuksen perusteella ehdotetaan teemoja jatkotutkimusta varten. Väitöstutkimuksen tuloksilla on merkitystä sekä tieteenharjoittajille että käytännön soveltajille


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    A promising area of the research of institutional economics of Ukraine is the research of its methodology and history, covering the process of the formation, development, evolution of institutionalism in the totality of its components and options. Problems and prospects of the institutional economics in Ukraine are very important and this urgency is growing due to the fact that the practice of market changes in the Ukrainian economy in recent years is evidence of the lack of the institutional approaches to solving today's theoretical and practical problems. The article offers to look at some current problems and issues of Ukrainian institutionalism as one of the modern economic theories, that defines the transition of the Ukraine's economy to a market system and, later, to a postindustrial society - the economy of knowledge. The analysis of problem of forming of institutional principles, presence of row of institutes, gives pssibiy to understand and explain social processes that take place in our country, see the prospects of , b25community development. Untaking into account of achievements of all directions of development of economic idea in the conditions of a variety of the modern world threatens serious consequences – to the removals of those aims, that was put before itself by society

    Influence on intention to adopt Green IS:boosting endogenous motivations with Persuasive Systems Design

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    Abstract Because pro-environmental behavior is often perceived as burdensome, encouraging sustainable habits can be a challenging task. Green IS provide additional means to instill proper sustainable manners in its users. However, even adoption of Green IS is not necessarily easy and is likely to require both motivation and persuasion. In this paper, we analyze the impact of Persuasive Systems Design on endogenous motivations linked to the attitude formation and subsequent intention to adopt Green IS. Based on the presented theoretical background, we construct a research model capturing relationships among persuasive design categories, different types of motivations, attitude and intention to adopt Green IS. Using structural equation modeling, we analyze the data collected with the survey. Findings of our study prove that the researched concepts are interrelated showing impact of computer-human dialogue support, system credibility support, and social support on extrinsic motivation and suggesting importance of enhancing Green IS with Persuasive Systems Design